Future Food
Future Food is an Austrian based Internet-Initiative with the purpose
of distributing information about alternatives to animal derived products.
In addition, we also have the aim of accelerating the research into
and development of cultured meat (in-vitro meat).
The Future-Food-Team is made up of individuals working in animal
welfare as well as scientists and economists. The team is led by Dr. Kurt
Schmidinger, a graduate in geophysics and doctor in food science.
Enquiry Form
Please do not omit information requested with an asterisk*
Site Info
Initiative "Future Food - Meat without Livestock"
Meidlinger Hauptstraße 63/6
A-1120 Wien

Legal Information:
The Future Food Team does everything possible to ensure that the information
on this website is correct at the time of inclusion. However, it is
possible that undeliberate mistakes could occur, should this be the
case, we apologise.
We would like to point out that despite careful research, no responsibility
is taken for the accuracy of the information on this website and the
authors are excluded from any liability.
The Future Food Team assumes no liability for the contents of websites
appearing as links.
Layout und graphic design: Christine Braun, Andreas Schmidt